2017年1月31日 星期二

曼谷瑞吉(St. Regis Bangkok)Caroline Astor Suite

旅館:曼谷瑞吉(St. Regis Bangkok)
地址:159 Rajadamri Road, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
交通方式:搭乘 BTS 至 Rajadamri 站下車,有飯店專屬連通口

入住房型:Caroline Astor Suite
網路:SPG會員享免費網路 Complimentary Internet Access for SPG Members

St. Regis Bangkok Exterior

在2016年初,SPG 曾經有推過和 Design Hotels 的促銷活動,只要在有加入 SPG 的 Design Hotels 入住三晚,就可以得到一晚 SPG 旗下飯店免費住宿券。剛好在首爾入住仁川鳥巢飯店首爾汝矣島 GLAD 飯店之後剛好湊到三晚,所以這次到曼谷,就決定把住宿券用在 SPG 在曼谷最頂級的飯店-曼谷瑞吉了。其實在四年前我就有造訪過曼谷瑞吉,不過當時並沒有SPG的白金會員身份,所以這次剛好趁著再次入住的機會,來好好比較一下差異。

In early 2016, SPG ran a promotion with Design Hotels, after staying three nights at participating Design Hotels properties, you'd earn a free night certificate for any Starwood hotel (category1-5). This was an extremely lucrative promotion, and after staying at the Nest Hotel Incheon and the GLAD Hotel Yeouido in Seoul, I managed to get the three nights I needed, and redeemed my certificate for this stay at the St. Regis Bangkok. I've actually visited the property four years ago, but I wasn't a platinum member back then, so was curious to visit again to compare the experience.

St. Regis Bangkok Exterior


I took a taxi to the hotel that day, and the minute we pulled over, two hotel staffs came to welcome me, and escorted me to the 12th floor lobby for check-in, while two other staffs handled my luggage. As you can see from the pictures, there's always a big group of hotel staff waiting at the entrance to assist, so it's always a very warm and welcoming experience when entering the hotel.

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby


After four years, the St. Regis Bangkok was just as gorgeous as I remembered.

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Elevator


The check-in desks were hidden at the left side of the 12th floor lobby, and was set up using individual desks so all guests get to sit down during check-in and have a more personal check-in experience.

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby

辦理入住時被告知升等到了曼谷瑞吉最著名的 Caroline Astor Suite,真的讓人非常驚喜。一般白金會員大多是被升等到 Metropolitan Suite,偶而會看到有人回報被升等到 Caroline Astor Suite,這次心裡雖然有點期待,但也是不敢抱太大希望,沒想到這次入住居然能夠美夢成真。


I was informed that I got an upgrade to the famous Caroline Astor Suite, which really surprised me. Usually platinum members get upgraded to the Metropolitan Suite, I've only seen a few instances where someone would report being upgraded to the Caroline Astor Suite. And while I've certainly secretly hoped for the upgrade, I wasn't expecting it at all. So I was truly surprised when I actually received it.

St. Regis Bangkok Welcome Drink


The staff checking me in offered to show me to my room, but I politely declined as I usually prefer going to my room by myself. What I didn't expect was finding my butler waiting at the door for me. In case you're not familiar with St. Regis hotels, one of their signature service is the butler service. You can ask your butlers for complimentary tea and coffee service, as well as packing and unpacking, among other things. Usually your butlers would come to introduce themselves in person moments after you settle in your room, but it was a first for me to find my butler actually waiting at my door.

St. Regis Bangkok Hallway

St. Regis Bangkok Hallway

St. Regis Bangkok Hallway

St. Regis Bangkok Hallway

這次的房間是 1925 號房,位於飯店最邊間。

As was assigned room 1925, at the corner of the hotel.

Room 1925

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 玄關
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Entryway


First, there's a small entryway, and a guest bathroom next to it.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 玄關
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Entryway

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 玄關
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Entryway

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客用廁所
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Guest Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客用廁所
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Guest Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客用廁所
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Guest Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客用廁所
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Guest Bathroom


Then there's the living room. The living room space was huge, with a work area on the left, and the lounging and dining area on the right.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客廳
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Living Room


The desk was beautiful and the details were very nicely done.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 書桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Desk

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 書桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Desk

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 書桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Desk

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 書桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Desk


They also had a full supply of stationary.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 文具
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Stationary

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 書桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Desk

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 書桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Desk

除此之外,飯店還有提供免費的 DVD 租借服務,房內會有一張電影清單,只要有需要都可以隨時打電話給管家租借。

There's also a complimentary "Movie Library" at the desk, from which you can select any movie on the list and ask your butler for the DVD.

St. Regis Bangkok "Movie Library"


I loved that they had wood floors in the living room, which I always find more comfortable than carpets.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客廳
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Living Room


There's a small dining table with four chairs in the living room. While it was designed for four people, the table space actually wasn't that large, so if you actually plan to eat here, it's more suitable for just two people.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 餐桌
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Dining Table


The sofa space was much more spacious, with enough seating for five.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客廳
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Living Room

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客廳
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Living Room

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客廳
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Living Room

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 客廳
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Living Room


The welcome amenities were already waiting for me at the coffee table, and consisted of a fruit place and some chocolates. To be honest I was disappointed that they only had two apples in the fruit plate. It was perhaps one of the stingiest fruit plates I've ever seen, and I certainly did not expect to see this at a St. Regis property.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 迎賓禮品
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Welcome Amenities

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 水果盤
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Fruit Plate

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 迎賓禮品
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Welcome Amenity

但當然來到 Caroline Astor Suite,為的才不是水果,而是窗外這片景色啦!可以享受到 180 度的皇家曼谷體育俱樂部和曼谷天際線,正是 Caroline Astor Suite 的最大賣點。

But of course I did not came to the Caroline Astor Suite for the fruit plate, but I came for the view. Having a panoramic view of the Royal Bangkok Sports Club and the Bangkok skyline was the best feature of the Caroline Astor Suite.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite View

房間內的 Mini Bar 當然也是非常齊全,各種酒類、飲料跟零食都有。

The mini bar in the room was very well-stocked with a wide range of alcohol, drinks, and snacks.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Mini Bar

雖然說 Mini Bar 也有提供茶包,不過既然都能免費請管家幫忙泡茶了,實在是沒有必要自己動手。而且請管家幫忙泡茶的時候,通常還會附上一些小餅乾或是點心。

And while there's TWG teas in the mini bar, I don't see the point of making my own tea when I could just pick up the phone and ask my butler for some, which usually came with some cookies or snacks as well.

St. Regis Bangkok Butler Tea Service

St. Regis Bangkok Butler Tea Service

St. Regis Bangkok Butler Tea Service

接著就參觀臥室。看到臥室可能就會發現,這間 Caroline Astor Suite 和官網的照片並不太一樣,原因是什麼我並不是很確定。不過經過詢問,飯店人員有保證這確實是 Caroline Astor Suite,而且升等後我的 SPG App 也確實顯示房型為 Caroline Astor Suite。就不要想太多吧!

Moving on the bedroom. At this point you might realize this Caroline Astor Suite was different from the pictures shown on the hotel website. I don't have a reason for this except that the hotel may have a few different type of these suites, as I was assured that this was indeed a Caroline Astor Suite, and it was shown on my SPG App as well.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室門
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom Door


Compared to the living room, the bedroom design was very simple. It was meant only as a place to sleep, and didn't have much else other than the chair next to the window.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom


The St. Regis bed certainly did not disappoint, and I slept really well as I did four years ago.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom


The hotel had a list of pillows for guests to choose from, and as always, you just have to call your butler to have it delivered.

St. Regis Bangkok Pillow Selection

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom


The bedroom window faces the hotel pool but still has a partial view of the Royal Sports Club. However, due to the proximity to the pool and other guest rooms, it's best to keep the curtains closed here.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室窗外景觀
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom View

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 臥室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bedroom


There's also plenty of closet space in the bedroom. It's not a walk-in closet, but still had enough space for everything. And I always liked the closet design at the St. Regis Bangkok. They were perhaps the most "Thai" element in the room.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 衣櫃
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Closet


Between the two closets was the bathroom door. As usual, when you see double doors at a hotel, you know there's something good waiting behind them.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室門
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom Door

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室門
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom Door

這間 Caroline Astor Suite 最美的邊間位置,就是浴室了。不管是早上起床梳洗,或是晚上泡澡時,可以享受這樣的美景,真的是一件很幸福的事情。

The best corner space in this Caroline Astor Suite was reserved for the bathroom. And whether it's freshening up in the morning or taking a bath at night, enjoying this view while in this bathroom was just a truly spectacular experience.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom


The double sinks were also a big plus as well.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom


The bathroom was also well-stocked with amenities. Of course it be nicer and more like a luxury hotel if they're packaged more nicely, but that's just me nit–picking.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室備品
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom Amenities


On the other hand, the fresh flowers next to the sink was a great addition.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom


Then there's this. The huge bathtub with this breathtaking view. It was just perfect. Period.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴缸
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathtub

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴缸
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathtub

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴缸
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathtub

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴缸
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathtub

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室備品
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom Amenities

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom


There's a separate shower room and toilet in the bathroom as well.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 浴室
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Bathroom

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 廁所
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Toilet

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 淋浴間
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Shower Room

備品則和一般房型使用的瑞吉標準 ‎Remède 沐浴用品不同,而是使用英國品牌 Elemis 的產品。

While the standard guest rooms have the St. Regis standard Remède toiletries, they offer Elemis products in the Caroline Astor Suites.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite Elemis 備品
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Elemis Toiletries

曼谷瑞吉對白金會員的待遇也讓人意外地大方。除了一般的升等、早餐等等之外,還提供每人每天(不是每房每天喔)四件免費洗衣的服務。另外每天的六點到七點,也在一樓的 The Lounge 供應白金會員免費的 Happy Hour。

The St. Regis Bangkok treat platinum members surprisingly well. Aside from the usual upgrade, breakfast, and other perks, they offered four pieces of complimentary laundry per guest per day (not per room per day). They also had a complimentary happy hour for platinum members served from 6-7pm daily, at the "Lounge" on the ground floor.

曼谷瑞吉「The Lounge」
St. Regis Bangkok "The Lounge"

曼谷瑞吉「The Lounge」
St. Regis Bangkok "The Lounge"

曼谷瑞吉「The Lounge」
St. Regis Bangkok "The Lounge"

曼谷瑞吉「The Lounge」
St. Regis Bangkok "The Lounge"

曼谷瑞吉「The Lounge」
St. Regis Bangkok "The Lounge"

Happy Hour 有不少的紅白酒、氣泡酒跟調酒可以選擇,另外也有一些開胃點心。雖然說時間只有一小時,但當作晚餐前的開胃行程就很剛好。

They had a few wines, sparkling wine, and cocktails available, as well as some hor d'oeuvres. While they certainly could have extended the hour a bit longer, it was perfect for a pre-dinner drink.

曼谷瑞吉白金會員專屬 Happy Hour
St. Regis Bangkok Happy Hour for Platinum Members

曼谷瑞吉白金會員專屬 Happy Hour
St. Regis Bangkok Happy Hour for Platinum Members

曼谷瑞吉白金會員專屬 Happy Hour
St. Regis Bangkok Happy Hour for Platinum Members

曼谷瑞吉白金會員專屬 Happy Hour
St. Regis Bangkok Happy Hour for Platinum Members

曼谷瑞吉白金會員專屬 Happy Hour
St. Regis Bangkok Happy Hour for Platinum Members

曼谷瑞吉白金會員專屬 Happy Hour
St. Regis Bangkok Happy Hour for Platinum Members

喝完酒之後到鄰近的暹羅廣場(距離飯店一站 BTS,但也是在步行距離內,不一定要搭車)逛街吃飯。回來後發現房務人員已經完成了夜間開床服務。

After happy hour I took a stroll to the nearby Siam Square for some food and shopping (it's only one stop away from the hotel by the BTS, but also within walking distance so you don't necessarily have to take the train). I returned to find that turndown service had already been completed while I was away.

St. Regis Bangkok Ground Floor Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby

St. Regis Bangkok Lobby


Turndown service at the St. Regis Bangkok as done perfectly. The bed was made, slippers were placed next to the bed, and they also left a few more bottles of water, drawn all the curtains, had all the bathroom floor mats placed, and even left a small note with tomorrows weather forecast.

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service

曼谷瑞吉 Caroline Astor Suite 夜間開床服務
St. Regis Bangkok Caroline Astor Suite Turndown Service


And of course there's also a small evening snack waiting in the living room, placed in an exquisite jar.

St. Regis Bangkok Evening Snack

St. Regis Bangkok Evening Snack


My butler also returned the shoes I delivered for shoe shining service nicely packaged. He even left a note at the entryway to welcome me "home," which I thought was a very sweet gesture.

St. Regis Bangkok Shoe-Shine Service

St. Regis Bangkok Shoe-Shine Service

隔天早餐是在 Viu 餐廳供應,也是我認為這次入住曼谷瑞吉唯一沒有達到我期待的一環。四年前入住時對於早餐不滿主要是價格太高但食物普通。這次雖然早餐變成免費,而且食物品質也提升不少,不過餐廳實在是太過擁擠。很明顯得房客人數已經超過餐廳所能容納,造成不只空間擁擠,整個用餐環境更是吵雜,讓整個早餐經驗變得相當差。

Breakfast was served in "Viu" the next morning, and it was the only part of my stay that did not meet my expectations, while every other part have exceeded it. I did not have a good experience with breakfast four years ago, but that was mainly due to the price and quality of the food back then. While I got breakfast for free this time, and the food quality had certainly improved, the restaurant was just too crowded for a pleasant breakfast experience. It was clear that they had more guest than they could accommodate in this restaurant, so not only was it packed, it was very noisy and chaotic as well. It goes without saying that I didn't enjoy my breakfast time here.

St. Regis Bangkok Restaurant "Viu"

St. Regis Bangkok Restaurant "Viu"

St. Regis Bangkok Restaurant "Viu"

St. Regis Bangkok Restaurant "Viu"

St. Regis Bangkok Restaurant "Viu"

St. Regis Bangkok Restaurant "Viu"

食物的選擇雖然確實有所提升,但比起其他曼谷的飯店(不管是曼谷艾美曼谷 W 飯店,或是曼谷雅典娜廣場皇家艾美酒店),還是遠遠不及。

And while the food selection had improved, it was still far behind other hotel breakfasts in Bangkok (the Le Méridien Bangkok, W Bangkok, and Plaza Athénée Bangkok, just to name a few).

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast Buffet

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast

St. Regis Bangkok Breakfast


I've already reviewed the other public facilities in the hotel four years ago, and the experience was pretty much the same, so I will not repeat myself here, other than saying that the service was still spectacular at the pool.

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Pool

St. Regis Bangkok Gym

Caroline Astor Suite 影片紀錄
Video Review of Caroline Astor Suite

