2015年2月28日 星期六

全日空台北—東京商務艙(ANA Business Class: Taipei-Tokyo)

這次前往東京,特別訂購從松山機場直飛羽田的班機,比起從桃園飛成田方便許多。從松山機場出發的好處就是交通非常方便,只要搭捷運就可以到機場了。到國際線航廈之後,全日空的櫃台也很好找,旁邊還特地擺了 787 夢幻客機的立牌。

For my trip to Tokyo this time I booked the flight from Taipei Songshan Airport to Tokyo Haneda Airport, which is much more convenient than flights between Taoyuan Airport and Narita Airport. The best part of flying out of Songshan Airport was that it's only a short MRT ride away. After entering the international terminal, the ANA check-in counters were also very easy to located. They even had a 787 ad next to it.

ANA Business Class Check-In Counter, Taipei Songshan Airport

ANA Business Class Check-In Counter, Taipei Songshan Airport

ANA Business Class Check-In Counter, Taipei Songshan Airport

ANA Business Class Check-In Counter, Taipei Songshan Airport


After I was checked-in, I took the escalators up to the second floor for security and passport control.


Since Songshan Airport was still quite small, there was no line at all, and I was airside in less than ten minutes. There's only one lounge in Songshan Airport that's shared by all the airlines. Sadly there were too many people inside for me to take any pictures.

Taipei Songshan Airport Airlines VIP Lounge

Taipei Songshan Airport Airlines VIP Lounge

貴賓室裡面其實非常簡單,座位數不多,食物跟飲料的選擇也很有限。所以大約二十分鐘之後我就離開,準備到登機門多拍幾張 787 的照片了。

It was a very spartan lounge, though. There weren't many seats and the food and drink options were also limited. So after only 20 minutes or so I left for the gate in order to take more pictures of the 787.

Gate Area

全日本空輸 All Nippon Airways 1186(NH 1186)
台北松山 Taipei Songshan(TSA)- 東京羽田 Tokyo Haneda(HND)
起飛時間 Depart: 01:30PM
降落時間 Arrive: 05:45PM
飛行時間 Duration: 3hr15min
機型 Aircraft: Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
座位 Seat: 2K(商務艙 Business Class)

全日空波音 787 夢幻客機
ANA Boeing 787 Dreamliner

全日空波音 787 夢幻客機
ANA Boeing 787 Dreamliner


The good thing was I ended up being the first in line for boarding, and got to take many pictures of the empty cabin.

Boarding Gate

Business Class Boarding Line

全日空在短程線 787 上配備的是區域型的 Business Cradle 商務艙,和國泰的區域型商務艙類似,能夠後躺的角度很有限,不過坐起來我覺得比國泰舒適許多,至少椅子比較厚,背部支撐就比較好。

ANA's short-haul 787s are equipped with the regional "Business Cradle" seats. These seats are similar to Cathay Pacific's regional business class, which had limited recline. Though I did find it more comfortable than Cathay Pacific's regional business class. At least the cushions were thicker so there's more back support.

全日空 787 區域型商務艙
ANA 787 Regional Business Class

商務艙採用 2-2-2 的配置,以區域線來說算是標準。

Business class had a 2-2-2 layout, which was also standard for regional flights.

全日空 787 區域型商務艙
ANA 787 Regional Business Class

全日空 787 區域型商務艙
ANA 787 Regional Business Class

全日空 787 區域型商務艙座椅
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Seat

全日空 787 區域型商務艙座椅
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Seat

全日空 787 區域型商務艙娛樂系統
ANA 787 Regional Business Class IFE


The seat controls, IFE control, and power outlets are located at the center armrest. There's also a storage space for small items such as glasses and cellphones.

全日空 787 區域型商務艙座椅
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Seat

全日空 787 區域型商務艙座位控制
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Seat Controls

全日空 787 區域型商務艙置物空間
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Storage Space

全日空 787 區域型商務艙充電與USB插座
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Power and USB Outlet

至於 787 最讓人期待的特色就是加大的窗戶還有調暗的功能了。窗戶確實比一般機型加大不少,而且可以調暗卻不用關上窗戶,對於想要看看窗外風景卻又怕打擾到其他乘客的人來說,無疑是一大福音。不過窗戶變暗的速度頗慢,需要一點耐心。

And the best part about these 787s was the window. It was larger than the windows on other jets, and could be dimmed without a window shade. This is truly a blessing for those who wish to enjoy the view without disturbing other passengers. Though the dimming process is quite slow so some patience is required.

全日空 787 窗戶
ANA 787 Window

全日空 787 調暗後窗戶
ANA 787 Dimmed Window

剛好旁邊停的是長榮航空的 Hello Kitty 彩繪機。

We happened to be right next to an EVA Air Hello Kitty jet.

長榮航空 Hello Kitty 魔法機
EVA Air "Hello Kitty with Magic Stars" Jet

長榮航空 Hello Kitty 魔法機
EVA Air "Hello Kitty with Magic Stars" Jet


Headphones and slippers were already placed in front of the seat before boarding. I was impressed that ANA offered slippers even on this short flight.

全日空 787 區域型商務艙座椅
ANA 787 Regional Business Class Seat

全日空 787 商務艙耳機與拖鞋
ANA 787 Business Class Headphones and Slippers

全日空 787 商務艙耳機
ANA 787 Business Class Headphones


There was also a seat guide for "Business Cradle" seats.

全日空 787 商務艙座位導覽
ANA 787 Business Class Seat Guide

全日空 787 商務艙座位導覽
ANA 787 Business Class Seat Guide

全日空 787 商務艙座位導覽
ANA 787 Business Class Seat Guide


Surprisingly no welcome drinks were offered after boarding. I'm not sure if this is the norm, or the flight attendants on my flight simply forgot...

Flight Map

全日空 787 機翼與引擎
ANA 787 Wing and Engine

全日空 787 機翼
ANA 787 Wing


The flight attendants did offer my a hot towel and had my drink order taken right after we took off though. After I ordered champagne, they even gave me a small bottle along with a pack of rice crackers.

Hot Towel

全日空 787 商務艙餐桌
ANA 787 Business Class Table

全日空 787 商務艙餐桌
ANA 787 Business Class Table

Champagne and Rice Crackers

Champagne and Rice Crackers



Lunch was delivered shortly after. I chose the western meal for this leg and everything tasted delicious. ANA even uploaded all their menus online, so you can check here for your menu before your flight.

ANA Business Class Lunch




ANA Business Class Lunch

吃飽喝足之後到廁所參觀一下。全日空不愧是日籍航空,連飛機上都有免治馬桶!不過其他備品就比較陽春一些,不像國泰使用 Jurlique 或是長榮使用 Harnn 的備品。

After meal service I made a quick visit to the lavatory. ANA even had bidet-style toilets on board, now that's impressive! Yet the other amenities were quite standard though, unlike Cathay Pacific or EVA Air, which had Jurlique or Harnn amenities on board, respectively.

全日空 787 商務艙廁所
ANA 787 Business Class Lavatory

全日空 787 商務艙廁所
ANA 787 Business Class Lavatory

全日空 787 商務艙廁所
ANA 787 Business Class Lavatory

全日空 787 商務艙廁所
ANA 787 Business Class Lavatory


I ordered a cup of tea after returning to my seat, and soon after we began our descent to Haneda Airport.


雖然說 787 被稱作夢幻客機,不過實際搭乘之後,覺得對於乘客來說,最大的優點就是窗戶而已。引擎噪音雖然有比較小,不過遠不及 A380 來得安靜。如果是航空迷的話,搭乘 787 當然會是很特別的經驗,但若是一般旅客的話,並不需要特地選搭 787 就是了。

Even though the 787 was named the Dreamliner, but after actually flying with it I think on the passengers' end its most appealing part was the windows. True, the noise from the engine was smaller, but it was nothing compared to the A380. Flying an 787 would be a special experience for aviation geeks, but I don't see the point of specifically choosing to fly the 787 if you're just a regular traveller.

Approaching Haneda Airport

