2014年1月1日 星期三

紐約時報廣場皇冠假日飯店(Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan)Times Square View Room

旅館:紐約時報廣場皇冠假日飯店(Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan)
地址:1605 Broadway, New York, NY, United States
交通方式:搭乘地鐵至 Times Square 42nd St 或 50 St 站皆可。

入住房型:Times Square View Room
網路:免費有線/無線上網 Free Internet access

飯店大廳 hotel lobby

這間飯店最大的優點就是地理位置真的很好,不只離時報廣場非常近,而且在 Broadway 上面就有出入口,進出都非常方便。我辦理入住時大概是下午三點左右,櫃檯附近準備辦入住的旅客非常多,不過還好飯店有 IHG 高階會員的專屬櫃檯,就只有一兩個人在排隊而已。要得到 IHG 白金卡一點都不難,可以參閱我之前寫過的教學,趕快辦一張來用!

The best part of Crowne Plaza Times Square is its location. Not only is it very close to Times Square, it had its own entrance in Broadway, so getting in and out of the hotel is very convenient. I got to the hotel and proceeded to check-in at around 3pm, so there were large crowds near the counters waiting to be checked-in. Luckily there was a dedicated desk for IHG elite members, with only a couple of people waiting. Becoming an IHG platinum member isn't that hard; you can refer to my previous post on status matches and get a platinum card as soon as possible.

飯店大廳 hotel lobby

飯店大廳 hotel lobby

飯店大廳 hotel lobby

IHG 高階會員專屬櫃檯
dedicated desk for IHG elite members

不過除了會員專屬櫃檯之外,這間飯店對於 IHG 白金卡會員的禮遇大概也就只有小小的升等了。我從一般基本房型被升等到了 Times Square View Room,但也只是景觀比較好一點而已,實際房型並沒有差別。在辦入住的過程中,服務人員也完全沒有提到跟白金卡待遇有關的任何細節。

Yet aside from the dedicated desk, the only platinum benefit this hotel offered was a rather minor upgrade. I got upgraded from a standard room to a "Times Square View Room," which is just a standard room with a better view. During the entire check-in process, the agent didn't mention anything about any other benefits as well.

一開始我被分配到 43 樓,正對著時報廣場的房型。不過即便樓層已經非常高,底下街上傳來的噪音還是非常大,幾乎到了完全無法安靜工作的地步。所以我就立刻下樓請櫃檯幫我換一間房了。櫃檯人員也很快地就幫我找到另外一間安靜很多的房間,因為格局完全相同,就先用原先房間的照片了。

I was assigned a room facing Times Square on the 43rd floor, but even when it's already on a very high floor, I could still hear all the noice coming from the streets below. They were so loud sometimes it made it rather hard for me to concentrate on my work, so I went downstairs to get a new room. Luckily the agent got me a new room shortly and it was much more quiet than the previous one. Since the layouts of the rooms were completely identical, I would just use photos from the first room.

4303 號房
room 4303


The room itself had adequate size, and was quite comfortable. However, when it comes to details, it couldn't compare to other hotels on the similar level at all. The biggest issue was there were no refrigerators in the room, which I find hard to accept since it is an urban hotel. Also, no welcome fruits or amenities of any kind were provided, not even bottled water for that matter. Disappointing!

臥室 bedroom

浴室 bathroom

浴室的配備倒是很讓人欣賞,淋浴間非常寬敞,各項備品和毛巾也都給得很大方。我特別喜歡 Temple Spa 的這組備品,用起來感覺非常好。

I quite liked the bathroom though. The shower room was spacious, and the amenities and towels were all provided generously. The Temple Spa branded amenities were especially great.

洗手台 sink

Temple Spa 備品
Temple Spa amenities

馬桶 toilet

shower room


臥室 bedroom

至於臥室其他方面,倒也沒什麼好抱怨的。King size 的床和旁邊的大躺椅都非常舒服,而飯店居然配備 Samsung Smart TV 也是讓人小吃一驚,是我看到配備電視等級最高的一間。

I had nothing to complain about the other aspects of the bedroom. Its king size bed and the huge lounge chair were both quite comfortable. The fact that they had Samsung Smart TV was a pleasant surprise. It was perhaps the best television I've ever seen in a hotel room.

床頭櫃 bedside table

Samsung Smart TV

coffee machine

safety deposit box

臥室 bedroom

工作桌 desk

等到我打開電腦,準備上網的時候,才發現在入住時服務人員並沒有把 Wifi 密碼提供給我,所以還要再另外打電話到前台詢問。有趣的是一開始打到前台,電話居然完全沒有人接!一直響了大概兩三分鐘才終於有人接起來。住了這麼多間飯店,還是第一次遇到電話無人接聽的情況。

When I turned on my computer and was ready to log online, I realized the agent at check-in did not tell me the wifi password. So I had to call the front desk again to find out. Interestingly, when I first tried to call, no one picked up! The phone actually rang for about 2 to 3 minutes before someone finally answered the phone. An unanswered phone call was indeed a new experience for me, even after so many stays in different hotels.

電源插座 power outlets

lounge chair

窗戶 window

Times Square view

餐廳 restaurant


I had a couple email exchanges with the reservations agent before my arrival, and luckily I was offered complimentary breakfast. So I got up quite early the next day for it. The options of the buffet appear to be quite limited, but everything tasted exceptionally. All the cold and hot options were delicious, and were probably the best part of my stay in this hotel.

自助早餐 breakfast buffet

麵包 breads

麵包 breads

fruits and cold options

熱食 hot options


I think this hotel leaves a lot to be desired in both its hard and soft products. Considering the regular rate of 200~300 USD per night, I would surely not stay here again. The restaurant, on the other hand, is a great place to eat. The food there is delicious and it had great views of Times Square and a wonderful ambience.

