2013年5月27日 星期一

馬爾地夫安納塔拉克哈瓦島(Anantara Kihavah Maldives)沙灘泳池屋 Beach Pool Villa

旅館:馬爾地夫安納塔拉克哈瓦島(Anantara Kihavah Maldives)
地址:Kihavah Huravalhi Island, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives

入住房型:沙灘泳池屋(Beach Pool Villa)
網路:免費有線/無線上網 Free internet access

entrance from the inside

entrance from the outside

我真的得說沙灘屋美極了!在出發之前,我本來已經自認做了很多「功課」,看了幾乎網路上所有的住宿記錄跟遊記,應該已經不會有太多驚喜了。沒想到真的人到了現場的時候,還是被震懾住了。整個 villa 真的非常私密,四周都種滿了植物。每間 villa 都有獨立的通道可以直接到沙灘,但是因為也有植物遮蔽,所以從外面是不能直接看到 villa 裡面的。在訂房的時候,我就直接註明希望住在和水上活動中心同一側的地方,因為離主要泳池區、餐廳遠,比較不會有人經過。這真的是我最好的決定之一,因為人真的少到我都覺得整座島只有我一個人了!

I have to say the villa was simply stunning. I did my share of homework before I got there, and pretty much read all the reviews available out there. So I was confident to say that I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. But the villa still blew my mind away. It was very very private, with plantation all around the villa. There’s a private path leading directly to the beach, but it was also well-hidden so no one can see the villa directly. I requested to stay on the same side as the water sports center, and it was one of the best decisions ever. I highly recommend this side of the island as there’s less foot traffic and I had the feeling of having the entire beach all to myself.

my private path to the beach

personal loungers 私人躺椅

there's nobody else!

entrance of my private path from the beach

Villa 本身非常大(將近80坪),而且也非常美。每間 villa 都有自己的私人泳池。我大部份的時間也都是躺在泳池邊曬太陽跟休息。從戶外空間踏入室內,一開始進入臥房,就會看到超大的 king-size 雙人床,還有旁邊的休憩區。在床後面則是書桌。整個島上都有免費的無線網路,所以上網真的非常方便。然後每間 villa 也都有兩個更衣間,號稱是一間給男生用,一間給女生用,但除了多梳妝台和鏡子之外,其實沒有差太多。

The villa itself is very large (258sqm) and well-designed. Each villa has its own private pool and a sun deck, I spent most of my stays here lounging and enjoying the sun. After that, you enter directly into the bedroom, which has a really large and comfortable king-size bed and a day bed next to the window. Behind the bed is the work desk. Free wifi is offered all around the resort, making it really easy to get connected wherever you are. Each villa also has both his and her walk-in closets (basically the same except one has a small desk & mirror).

吊床 swing

泳池和躺椅 pool and loungers

outdoor dining table

躺椅 day bed

candles and aroma oil are lit during the day

房間鑰匙 room key

書桌 desk

BOSE sound system

controls for AC, fan, and lights

decorative shelf

更衣間 walk-in closet


The bathroom of the villa is semi-outdoor (no air conditioner!), so it could get quite hot in the day. I simply LOVED the design of the bathroom. The highlight of this villa is no doubt the bathroom. It would be perfect for honeymooners or couples. They had the bathtub placed in the middle of a small pond, and the setting was really romantic after all the candles were lit at night. There’s also an outdoor shower in the bathroom (right next to the indoor shower, in fact), I find this placement rather odd though, they really should’ve placed the outdoor shower next to the pool, shouldn’t they? Another thing to mention is the resort had a daily spray around 5PM to get rid of mosquitos, so everyone was advised to stay indoors during that time and keep all the windows/doors shut. But even after all the mosquitos are gone, there’s still quite a lot of ants in the villa. I even found a few bug bites waking up the next day...

sink for men

sink for women

香皂 soap

廁間 toilet

day bed in the bathroom

indoor shower

outdoor shower

浴缸 bathtub

因為飯店自己有淡化海水的設備,所以在房間內的飲用水是不用錢的。每天房務人員都會提供四瓶,不夠也可以再跟他們要。另外茶包和 Nespresso 咖啡也是免費的,但其他飲品就超級貴了!貴到我覺得根本就是搶劫!

The resort has its own desalination plant, so water in the villa is free. They had 4 bottles placed each day during my stay, but you can always request more if you run out. Tea and Nespresso coffee were also free, but the rest of the beverages were super expensive, complete ripoff if you ask me.

水果盤 fruit plate

飲用水 drinking water

"Kihavah Still"

Don't touch them!


Another thing that’s made my stay perfect was going to the beach at night and enjoy watching the stars. It was without doubt the best night sky I’ve every seen in my life. There were so many stars out there the view seemed rather unrealistic at first, but I ended up spending hours lounging under the night sky. After that, I returned to a nicely turned-down bed and slept like a baby.

perfect turn-down service

night-time snack

