2012年7月10日 星期二

曼谷瑞吉(St. Regis Bangkok)Grand Deluxe Room

旅館:曼谷瑞吉(St. Regis Bangkok)
地址:159 Rajadamri Road, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
交通方式:搭乘 BTS 至 Rajadamri 站下車,有飯店專屬連通口

入住房型:Grand Deluxe Room
(官網介紹: http://www.starwoodhotels.com/stregis/property/rooms/room_class_detail.html?propertyID=3199&roomClassId=1007243680
網路:付費上網,一天 400 泰銖

早在 2011 年開幕之初,就已經在曼谷打響名號的 St. Regis ,號稱將其經典的曼哈頓風格直接移植到了曼谷,更在設計中巧妙融合泰式元素,打造出全新的都會旅館。而 St. Regis 招牌的管家服務,也是原封不動直接搬到了曼谷,讓所有旅客都可以感受到貼心的個人服務

I've always been looking forward to review The St. Regis in Bangkok for its signature service, location, and its impeccable view of the Royal Sports Club. After reading some previous reviews by others, I had high expectations for this hotel, to say the least.

  • VIP 級入住

    一走進一樓氣派的大廳門口,就可以立刻感受到 St. Regis 無微不至的服務。服務人員立刻接過行李,帶領我前往 12 樓的 check-in 櫃檯。

    所有入住 St. Regis 的旅客,都要在 12 樓轉搭電梯才可以前往房間或是外出。雖然在出入上可能會有稍許不便;但同時這也形同多設了一道關卡,確保所有房客安全。我個人認為是一個非常好的設計。

    Upon arrival I was immediately greeted by one of the hotel staff, who took over my luggage and escorted me to the "real" hotel lobby on the 12th floor.

    By putting the lobby on the 12th floor, the hotel made sure all guest in and out of the hotel guest rooms had to go through the lobby to change elevators. Personally, I think this is a great touch to ensure maximum privacy and security.

    St. Regis 不像一般旅館一樣,有一個很長的 check-in 櫃檯,而是以 VIP 服務級的小桌,替旅客們辦理個人化的 check-in 服務。從這些小地方,就可以看出 St. Regis 在服務上別出心裁的地方了。

    因為提早到達的關係,房間沒有立刻準備好讓我入住,但櫃檯人員也立刻帶我的一旁的 Lounge 稍作休息,還附上了一大杯冰水稍解曼谷的酷暑。在大約等待 15 分鐘之後,他也親自前來帶領我進房間,這樣的安排也是立刻讓人在心裡替 St. Regis 大大加分啊!

    One other thing I love about the check-in is that they have individual desks instead of a long check-in counter. It just makes the process feel much more personalized and friendly. Plus it's always nice to sit down after dragging your luggage through Bangkok's BTS station (which does not have escalators!).

    Since I arrived at around noon, I was told that my room wasn't ready and may need another 15 minutes or so. The hotel staff escorted me to their lounge and offered me some beverage (I chose water). This was no big deal as it gave me some time to check out the lobby.

    探索 Grand Deluxe Room


    曼谷 St. Regis 最大的賣點,就是擁有這片絕佳的 view 。每間 Grand Deluxe Room 都可以俯視曼谷皇家體育俱樂部 Royal Bangkok Sports Club 、飯店泳池,以及遠方的朱拉隆功大學和暹羅廣場。能夠坐在窗邊的沙發欣賞這片美景,人生還會有什麼遺憾呢!

    I think this picture says it all. One can definitely relax in their comfortable couch and stare at this view for hours. It's not common for hotels in Bangkok to have a view like this, but St. Regis sure did it.

    One advice for anyone who's planning on staying at the St. Regis: request a room with a view of the Royal Sports Club.

    進房不到五分鐘,椅子都還沒坐熱, St. Regis 的招牌特色:管家,就已經捧著現泡的熱茶和餅乾出現啦!!

    After around 5 minutes, my butler came in and greeted me with tea and some biscuits.

    不同於一般旅館, St. Regis 房內不提供茶包及咖啡機,因為當客人隨時想要喝茶或咖啡的時候,只要一通電話,管家就會立刻泡好奉上,還會附贈小點心!這樣貼心的服務哪裡找啊!!

    Apparently they don't offer tea bags in St. Regis. If you ever wish to have some tea. All you need to do is call your butler and you'll get a fresh delivery (with snacks!) right in your room.


    Grand Deluxe Room 也備有配備齊全的辦公桌,皮製桌墊、萬用插座、柔和的燈光、舒適的坐椅,給人一種董事長等級的尊榮享受。只可惜上網一天居然要價 400 泰銖,在目前幾乎每間旅館都有免費上網的曼谷,不禁讓人搖頭啊...

    One of the disappointments is that their internet service costs 400 Baht / day. I would expect free internet connections as most hotels in Bangkok already offer. At least they should offer this to SPG members.

    (三)Mini Bar

    在讓人倍感尊榮的 St. Regis 裡, Mini Bar 的價格同樣讓人高攀不起。冰箱裡塞得滿滿的飲料自然還是讓它保持原樣比較好一些。

    但每間客房都有四瓶飲用水免費贈送(Mini Bar 兩瓶,浴室兩瓶)。如果不夠的話,還可以去 24 小時開放的健身房拿唷 XD

    The mini bar is quite over-priced as usual. But they do have four bottles of complimentary drinking water. If you run out, you can always get more at the gym, plenty of water there!


    特大的睡床肯定也是房內的一大特色,無論是地毯、飾枕、床頭櫃、床頭燈、床尾椅及床頭的特別造型裝飾,都十分讓人驚艷。鬆軟的大床、羽絨被和「300針密度」的床組,也絕對可以讓人一夜好眠!這次在曼谷入住的所有旅館中, St. Regis 的大床無疑是最舒適、最好睡的首選。

    Let me just say that the St. Regis signature bed is AMAZING! This just about the best bed ever. Period.


    Grand Deluxe Room 備有兩個大衣櫃,衣櫃門也是特別帶有泰式風情的設計。兩個衣櫃中間也有置放行李箱的空間,相當寬敞及方便。

    There are also two spacious closets in each Grand Deluxe room. The design is beautiful, and probably the only "Thai" element in this room.

    衣櫃內備有保險箱、睡袍、拖鞋,以及洗衣袋和洗衣服務說明(夜間開床時會移到床尾椅置放)。每間 Grand Deluxe Room 的客人都可以享有四件衣物的免費 pressing 服務。

    門口除了一組桌鏡之外,還另外特別放了一把雨傘,供房客於住宿期間免費使用,在曼谷七月雨季中非常實用!(只是不知道拿著大大的 St. Regis 雨傘出去會不會被搶就是了 XD)

    Regular stuff in the closets. Safety deposit box, bathrobes, slippers, etc. There's also an umbrella near the door, which can be quite handy if you're visiting in the rainy season.


    要說到 St. Regis 吸引人之處,超大超豪華的浴室絕對是其中之一。很難得在非套房的等級中就可以看到的雙洗手台設計,就已經讓人嘖嘖稱奇。

    The bathroom is also beautiful, equipped with double sinks, a huge shower room , and an incredibly comfortable tub. It's not usual to see double vanity in a "room" (most hotels only have them in suites). So it's great to see St. Regis adding them to their rooms as well.


    The bathroom is also very well-equipped. With everything you'll ever need during your stay.


    打開浴室尾端的木門就是廁所。折好的衛生紙還貼上了 St. Regis Logo 的小貼紙。馬桶正前方還懸掛著大幅藝術品,似乎是想讓人在如廁時都可以培養美感品味 (?)

    乾濕分離淋浴間,搭配豪華蓮蓬頭及 Rainshower 花灑,還附上知名品牌LABORATOIRE REMÈDE沐浴用品,營造出舒適的淋浴空間。

    St. Regis uses LABORATOIRE REMÈDE products. They're good, but not so great comparing to the Molton Brown products in Siam Kempinski Hotel.

    而 Deep Soaking Tub 深型浴缸也絕對是浴室的一大亮點。寬敞的空間,想要兩人一起來個浪漫的泡澡也絕對是綽綽有餘!最讓人激賞的是浴缸還附上了靠墊,在走了一整天路之後可以這樣舒適地躺著好好泡個澡,絕對是人生一大享受啊!

    The deep soaking tub is surely one of the highlights of the room. You can easily fit two people into that tub. It just feels like heaven when your soaking in this tub after a long day in Bangkok.



    St. Regis 的開夜床服務也同樣讓人激賞。不但是簡單清潔了一番,還貼心地幫忙把拖鞋、浴袍都拿了出來,浴室也在地上鋪好腳踏墊。讓客人不論是洗澡、睡覺時,所有東西都在伸手可得的地方,非常貼心!

    Turn-down service was also done impeccably. Not only did they leave the slippers right by my bed, they also put the laundry bags there so guests can leave their clothes for complimentary pressing service (4 pieces for Grand Deluxe Room guests).


    The snacks look so cute, but their taste was rather mediocre.


    St. Regis Bangkok 總共有兩個泳池,低樓層的是給旅館房客使用,高樓層的則是專屬於 St. Regis Residences 住戶的。兩個泳池都有著面對皇家體育俱樂部的絕佳視野,光是躺在躺椅上,喝著冰涼的飲料,一邊欣賞景觀一邊享受日光浴,就足以讓人流連忘返、躺上一整個下午啦!

    There are too pools in St. Regis Bangkok, one is reserved for their residence guests, and one for hotel guests. I had some time the next day to check out the hotel pool. It had a great view of the Sports Club and some lounge chairs facing directly to the Club.


    Once I arrived, the pool staff made my seat and offered me a glass of cold water. There's also a bar at the pool offering a variety of drinks.


    St. Regis 的健身房是 24 小時開放房客使用,只需憑房卡感應即可進入。健身房內備有 Technogym 的高檔健身器材,不但可以一邊運動一邊欣賞電視節目,還是個人全觸控螢幕喔!

    The gym is also spacious and equipped with high-end Technogym facilities. It's open 24 hours and all the hotel guests can access the gym with their key cards. I also love its view of Lumphini park.


    Besides from complimentary towels and bottled water, headphones are also offered so one can always plug it in and enjoy some music or TV programs while running.



    St. Regis 的早餐相當中規中矩,並沒有什麼特別讓人驚艷之處;如果要特別提一點,那就是飲料都是整壺奉上,相當有誠意。食物品質可算是中上,還有另闢一區專門提供亞洲菜色(包含中式、日式早餐),整體表現可圈可點。

    至於為什麼並不推薦呢?就是因為價格真的太貴啦!!一客早餐要價 950 泰銖,再加上 17% 的服務費跟稅之後,都已經突破 1100 啦!!!又不是包金箔什麼的,這樣的價位究竟是想嚇死誰?看到帳單之後讓人頓時胃口盡失,簡單吃點東西之後就早早閃人了。

    My room did not come with breakfast, but I decided to check it out anyway. They had a special section offering a variety of Asian cuisines, which is good. But the overall quality is only okay, nothing special. I wouldn't go again considering it's shockingly overpriced. For 950 Baht +17% tax and service charge, one would expect something better.

    整體評分來說, St. Regis 的房間和服務絕對都可以拿到滿分,特別是浴室更是爆表高分。泳池、健身房品質高於水準;整體裝潢風格現代又不失精緻高雅,讓人賞心悅目。唯一的缺點真的就是各項收費實在是太高,不論是網路、早餐都應該考慮免費提供或是降價。畢竟所有人都是已經付了算相對高額的房價入住,應該都不想還要到處被要錢吧?

    To wrap things up, the service and room in St. Regis Bangkok is wonderful, its bathrooms are beyond perfect. I love the overall design as well. It is elegant and offers a luxurious atmosphere, but not too snobbish.

    The only complaint I have about this hotel is that things are quite overpriced, especially the internet service and breakfast. I certainly do not expect to pay another 400 Baht for internet and 1100 more for breakfast after paying USD 200 for their rooms.

